Episode 36: Words of Radiance: Chapters 22-24: Fashion? In the Kholin House? It’s More Common Than You’d Think.
The king was FINE. Ugh. ALSO, Shallan is definitely a con lady. Yes siree, no fancy light-eyed ladies here, Tyn. Move along. And Geeze. Kaladin is never happy unless he’s bossing people around. Let Adolin use his free time HOWEVER HE WANTS.
Check out our My Sister Made Me a Playlist! One new song for every episode!

Episode 35: Words of Radiance: Chapters 19-21: Bonjour! Je M’appelle Pierre ‘Apps
It’s Shallan-a-palooza up in here this week! And it’s NOT ABOUT THE JOURNEY. It’s about the POTENTIAL. Also: We few, we happy few.

Episode 34: Words of Radiance: Chapters 16-18: We’re NOT Foils!
Emily loves Renarin, OKAY, MEG? SHE WOULD NEVER FORGET HIM. We see Kaladin learn something about his powers, Shallan is still in le trouble, and a visitor is revealed.https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42

Episode 33: Words of Radiance: Chapters 13-15: Legendary American Animator Don Bluth
Meg and Emily read chapters 13-15 this week. Adolin’s superstitions pay off in the dueling ring and Shallan finds herself surrounded by enemies.

Episode 32: Words of Radiance: Interludes 3 & 4: Nakey Bodies
We tackle Interludes 3 & 4 this week and have VERY different opinions on the little cliff diving adventure that happens. We also present our very own ‘What If’ episode. And if there’s anything you take away from this episode, please let it be: Bats aren’t bugs!

Episode 31: Words of Radiance: Chapters 12, Interlude 1 & 2: Sibling Order Theory
Check out Chapters 12 and Interludes 1 and 2 with Meg and Em this week! We learn….NEVER to trust ANYTHING Megan says EVER and Emily KNEW things had been going TOO WELL.

Episode 30: Words of Radiance: Chapters 9-11: Rest in Princess
This week we read about the Santhid performing a miracle that Emily refuses to believe. She also doesn't know what she wanted from Shallan in these chapters, but it wasn't THIS! We also meet THE most illustrious character in all of Brandon Sanderson's novels....the STICK.

Episode 29: Words of Radiance: Chapters 7-8: Denial. It’s Where Emily Lives Now.
Oof, in what might be our longest episode yet Em and Meg dive into chapters 4-6. Kaladin takes his new position VERY seriously. His new brother, Adolin, is less than thrilled. Jasnah needs some SLEEP, Shallan! And Emily's not SAYING die, Moash, die, OKAY?

Episode 28: Words of Radiance: Chapters 4-6: I’m Just a Girl Waiting for her Sadeas
Oof, in what might be our longest episode yet Em and Meg dive into chapters 4-6. Kaladin takes his new position VERY seriously. His new brother, Adolin, is less than thrilled. Jasnah needs some SLEEP, Shallan! And Emily's not SAYING die, Moash, die, OKAY?

Episode 27: Words of Radiance: Chapters 1-3: You’re MY Dum-Dum
Emily and Meg FINALLY get into WORDS OF RADIANCE. We cover the Prologue, and Chapters 1, 2, & 3. SO MUCH SPREN INFO. Literally NO ONE could keep it straight, but Jasnah gives it her all. Bridge Four gets matching tattoos and of COURSE Moash HAS to be the special one.

Episode 26: Warbreaker aka Emily’s VINDICATION (x’s 2)
Our Warbreaker episode is FINALLY HERE! Emily and Meg are joined by honorary sibling and friend-of-the-pod: TED! We cover the ENTIRE novel of Warbreaker, talk about how everyone got into it/the Cosmere, talk about our fun theories, and of COURSE we stan Nightblood! (who has never done anything wrong in the history of EVER).
Make sure to catch Ted’s podcast about the 90’s/’00’s book series The Animorphs at www.animorphology.com and on Twitter at @animorphology

Chapter 25: Way of Kings Interlude 01: Underwater Basket Weaving
Emily and Meg take a quick breather this week and reminisce over Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive. We go over Emily’s predictions, what she ACTUALLY thinks of the book, get to hear her list her top 3 favs and 3 LEAST favs of the book so far, and Meg announces some fun new stuff for our upcoming episodes!

Episode 24: The Way of Kings: Chapters 69-74: It’s the End of the Book as We Know It
It’s the END of Way of Kings! We finish the last chapters of the book: Chapters 69-74. This week someone DEFINITELY points at something and goes, “THAT’S a Voidbringer!”, Sadeas BASICALLY GETS AWAY WITH MURDER (WTH, BRANDON?), and Dalinar is the best. AGAIN. Was there EVER any doubt?

Episode 23: The Way of Kings: Chapters 66-68: Kaladin What’s His Face
THE TOWER! THE TOOOOOOWER. We cover chapters 66, 67, 68 and get to SEE THE BRIDGEMEN IN ACTION BEING THE BEST THEY COULD EVER BEEEEEE! (Also, Sadeas should DIE). Stay tuned for a bonus bit at the end where Emily discovers what Kaladin REALLY looks like!)

Episode 22: The Way of Kings: Chapters 63-65: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
Emily and Meg read Chapters 63-65. Loyalties are tested. The Horner Pact is broken (again). And Emily’s reading and comprehension should be a lot better than it currently is.

Episode 21: The Way of Kings: Chapters 60-62: If It’s Too Good to be True and Quacks Like a Duck…
WELCOME back to our Way of Kings Coverage. Emily and Megan SPLIT this week’s HUMONGOUS episode and cover Chapters 60-62. Emily wants ALL the drama and betrayal but NOT for Renarin to be a MURDERER, Dalinar is too cool for school when he meets his hero Brandon Sanderson, and wow. This is one SPICY episode!

Episode 20: The Way of Kings: Chapters 56-59: A Terrible Way to Send an Email
This week Emily and Meg read Chapters 56-59 (So. Many. Pages.) Megan uses a thought experiment to make Emily cry. Murder is wrong. Kaladin breaks zero bones!

Episode 19: The Way of Kings: Chapters 53-55: That’s Alethkar’s ‘Hee-Haw’
Emily and Meg cover Chapters 53-55 where HOID PERSONALLY BETRAYS EMILY, we get to hear Sadeas’ final verdict on Dalinar’s involvement in the assassination attempt, and Emily would NEVER forget about Renarin and is MIGHTILY offended Meg would insinuate such a thing!

Episode 18: The Way of Kings: Interludes 7-9 & Chapter 52: How to Get Hit With Bricks
Emily and Meg are BACK and reading Interludes 7, 8, 9, and Chapter 52. We learn more about spren. Megan still won't tell Emily ANYTHING. RAFO is the word of the DAY. And Navani almost seduces Dalinar. (Should've listened to Yalb and tried one last time.)

Episode 17: The Way of Kings: Chapters 48-51: Jenny, READ THIS BOOK!
Meg and Emily cover Chapters 48-51. Jam gets Shallan into a pickle, Jasnah has a snack then takes it back, and Kaladin hits a 7 on a good-day scale.
Way of Kings: Episode 01
Blood Orange, So Pretentious
It's the first official episode! There's a Prelude, a Prologue, and THEN a first chapter? We meet Tony Stark, Adam Winchester, Szeth, and Kaladin. A king is murdered and a cycle is broken.