Episode 16: The Way of Kings: Chapters 45-47: Adolin Kholin is NOT Jesus
We get right into it and go through chapters 45-47. Kabsal knows better than to pay an artist in exposure. Kaladin cheats a Kholin. And MEGAN LIED. Cenn DID come back!

Episode 15: The Way of Kings: Chapters 41-44: Freaked Out by Flirting
This week we discuss chapters 41-44. Abandon hope all ye who enter here, says Emily. FULL STEAM AHEAD, says Meg

Episode 14: The Way of Kings: Chapters 37-40: Rock and a Haircut. Six Bits.
HAPPY 2022! WE MADE IT! Em and Meg start the year off with Chapters 37-40. It’s a little bit of a breather this week. Baby Kal goes to a tense dinner party, present-day Kaladin wrestles with brain lies, and does Shallan and her future father-in-law Dalinar have something in common?

Episode 13: The Way of Kings: Chapters 33-36: If There’s No Body That Falls in a Forest, Did a Murder Really Happen?
We read chapters 33-36 this week! (Fair warning - there’s a 10 minute chunk where Emily’s audio gets a little crackly but then we fix it!) Shallan is having second thoughts about her secret mission, Kaladin’s day LITERALLY COULD NOT GET WORSE, and Jasnah apparently favors a very…hands on method of teaching.

Episode 12: The Way of Kings: Chapters 29-32: What a Cheerful Bridgecrew. It’d be a Shame if Something HAPPENED TO IT.
We read chapters 29-32 this week. SHALLAN IS BACK, Y’ALL…and hallucinating?!?! Gaz is only SLIGHTLY less awful, baby Kaladin gets a grown-up lesson, and EMILY FLAT OUT REFUSED TO READ THE LAST CHAPTER.

Episode 11: The Way of Kings: Chapter 28 + the Interludes: Oh, ho ho, the ECONOMY
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! Come take a turkey break and listen to us talk about chapter 28 + the Interludes. Dalinar’s men are a little TOO loyal, Emily reveals her OTP, and listen - Emily doesn’t have TIME for all this nonsense. WHERE’S SZETH!?!?

Episode 10: The Way of Kings: Chapters 25-27: The City Lord Will Arrive After These Messages
Emily and Meg tackle chapters 25-27. Emily can’t keep her fantasy dads straight, CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUND, Kaladin is in Suuuuper denial and Emily did NOT fart live on camera.

Episode 09: The Way of Kings: Chapters 22-24: Fancy Float
In Chapters 22-24 We get to meet another Kholin...NAVANI. Why does she make Dalinar so nervous? Elhokar can't keep his big, fat mouth shut, can he? And are the high princes just literally playing Monopoly?

Episode 08: The Way of Kings: Chapters 18-21: Lifted Straight from Dalinar Kholin’s Diary
Emily and Megan go through Chapters 18-21. Adolin takes his girlfriends to the nicest places. Someone is trying to (possibly) kill Elhokar, Meg shares with us the Way of Kings musical and gives us the secret to hot naps while Emily resorts to physical violence.

Episode 07: The Way of Kings: Chapters 15-17: A Bloody Red ‘Sunst’
We read Chapters 15-17 this time around AND EMILY’S RECORDING EQUIPMENT IS THE WORST. (Again. New equipment is imminent. But SUSPICION. SUSPICION EVERYWHERE. Adolin just wants people to stop making fun of his dad. Kaladin just wants his bridge crew to STOP DYING. Who is gonna get what they want first?

Episode 06: The Way of Kings: Chapters 12-14: Baby’s First Hoid
In Chapters 12-14 we spend the vast majority of it meeting the rest of the Kholin family and they are a HANDFUL. Just running around fighting monsters for glory and stuff. And Kaladin does NOT endear himself to Bridge Four OR Emily.

Episode 05: The Way of Kings: Interludes 1-3: Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear
Oof. Apologies in advance. Our audio had a REAL hard time of it this episode. Meg's on deadline so we didn't get a chance to re-record it YET. But we're still trying to get you a better version. (We didn't want to miss a week) - And this week we read the first set of Interludes! We learn about magic fish, a budding psychopath, and Emily's boyfriend Szeth shows back up.

Episode 04: The Way of Kings: Chapters 8-11: Just a Couple of Light-Eyed Spinsters
We read chapters 8-11 this week and Meg wins for best intro. Kaladin breaks Emily's heart and Shallan is way braver than either of us.

Episode 03: The Way of Kings: Chapters 5-7: Art is Hard, You Guys
We read chapters 5-7 this week (even if Meg claims otherwise), Shallan is stuck between a rock and smoke place, Kaladin’s manager is the worst, and Kabsul is NOT a grandpa.

Episode 02: The Way of Kings: Chapters 2-4: Have A Great Summer
This week we cover chapters 2-4. Emily explains why she can’t ever love Kaladin, Meg tells her she doesn’t have a very good imagination, and could being a ginger be the secret to unlimited Cosmere power?

Episode 01: The Way of Kings: Prelude, Prologue, and Chapter 01: Blood Orange, So Pretentious
It's the first official episode! There's a Prelude, a Prologue, and THEN a first chapter? We meet Tony Stark, Adam Winchester, Szeth, and Kaladin. A king is murdered and a cycle is broken.

Episode 00: The Way of Kings: His Name is…Hogath?
Meg REVELS in the fact that she’s FINALLY getting Emily to read her ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOK. Emily makes multiple guesses and does NOT know what she’s getting into.
Way of Kings: Episode 01
Blood Orange, So Pretentious
It's the first official episode! There's a Prelude, a Prologue, and THEN a first chapter? We meet Tony Stark, Adam Winchester, Szeth, and Kaladin. A king is murdered and a cycle is broken.