Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E18: Graduation aka Fix-It Fics
Wow...moment of silence please, especially for Meg's patience. We did it. We finished Roswell. Emily feels one way about it, and Meg a completely and totally opposite way.
For fun we went through a list of Roswell fanfics on Archive of Our Own. Here are the links for the fics we discovered.
A Quiet Life by Rod
Until You're Mine by FinalMoondragon
Oh, Humanity by vinegarandglitter
Warrior Liz by burmafrd
The Antarian Timetravellers by maipigen

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E17: Four Aliens and a Baby aka Decrepit Woman in Her 30’s
We creep ever closer to the finale (not fast enough for Meg, but we digress). GUESS WHO IS BACK BACK BACK, BACK AGAIN! Our favorite baby mama returns with said offspring. WHO CARES that the government is after them. And WHO CARES that Isabel (and possibly Max) is an alien. NOT THESE TWO GRANDPARENTS, that's for dang sure. One baby and ALL is forgiven. (WHAT?)

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E16: Crash aka SAY ‘UNEXPLAINED’!
We draw ever closer to the final episode of Roswell: 1999 and ever closer to Meg's redemption of never having to watch another Roswell episode ever again! Which is a shame...'cause this one is actually good? A legit UFO crash near Roswell brings in MANY government officials plus other shady characters. And all Liz's dad wants is for them to say 'unexplained'. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E15: Who Died and Made You King aka Canon Reasons for Being a Dick
We see the fallout of Max dying and possibly find out the actual reason Max has been so awful since finding out he was a king? Also, it's the return of the FBI...but we're not worried?
ALSO - here's some YouTube videos to the songs we mention during the question and answer session of the podcast:
Chopin - Waltz, Op. 64 No 2 C Sharp Minor
Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a theme of Thomas Tallis (Orchestra)

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E14 Chant Down Babylon aka Break a Leg, Mend a Heart
It's the conclusion of the 2-parter where Max died? But not really....but did he? But forget ALL of that BECAUSE JESSE FINALLY KNOWS ABOUT THE ALIENS! And OF COURSE Kyle comes through as our MVP AGAIN.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E13 Panacea aka Sheriff Stands on His Own Two Feet
It’s an absolute off-the-wall episode. Michael is mistaken for the ‘healing alien’, the famous waitress dress makes a comeback AND the sheriff finally gets a JOB and quits being a BUM.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E12 Ch-Ch-Changes aka RosBAD
Oof. Em owes Meg ALL the nice things for MAKING her view this show. Something weird is going on with Liz. She's....CHANGING.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E11 I Married an Alien aka SURPISE! Jesse STILL DOESN’T KNOW
Isabel indulges herself and images how much easier her life would have been as a 50's sitcom. We meet a new friend of Jesse and we MEET a new side of Jesse. This poor man just wants to LIVE HIS LIFE.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E10 A Tale of Two Parties aka Tomato Potato Potato Tomato
Welcome back to the Roswell 1999 feed! Join our teens on New Years! See Max go on a New Year's Date with someone OTHER THAN LIZ? See Isabel go on a New Year's Date with someone OTHER THAN HER HUBBY? What is even happening?

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E09 Samuel Rising aka Touched by an Aliengel
Welcome to the Very Special Christmas Episode for Roswell season 3! Max thinks his mysterious as-yet-to-be-named son is communicating to him via a child he meets at the diner, MARIA REALLY DID OR DID NOT BREAK UP WITH MICHAEL? (who knows anymore), and Isabel learns the true meaning of Christmas

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E08 Behind the Music aka Multitasking at Its Worst
It’s another rough one guys, Maria AND Isabel’s characters are actively being assasinated…AGAIN. We’ve got emotional cheating, REAL breakups (probably), and can Mr. Evans just let his kids LIVE THEIR LIVES IN PEACE????

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E07 Interruptus aka Fertile Enemy
Isabel is DETERMINED to have the honeymoon of her dreams…until Kivar shows up and threatens to take her away from her horrible life. And Megan threatens ME with quitting the podcast! Le gasp!

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E06 To Have and to Hold aka Wedding Trebuchets
It’s (FINALLY) Isabel’s wedding AND EVERYONE IS BEING TERRIBLE TO HER. Why can’t we let Isabel have nice things!??!

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E05 Control aka Max is a DICK
We pick up with part 2 of Max’s adventures in L.A. to save his son and check in with Isabel’s wedding planning attempts. Max shows his TRUE VILLAIN COLORS and NO ONE LISTENS to Isabel. AGAIN.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E04 Secrets and Lies aka The One that Emily Forgot to Post
Welcome BACK to Roswell, everyone! This week we delve into the secrets and lies both inside and OUTSIDE Roswell. That’s RIGHT! It’s a travel episode that takes place in the very heart of LA: HOLLYWOOD. We meet and say goodbye to our GED dude, Max gets scouted, and we welcome back Meg’s co-worker Mr. Jonathan Frakes!

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E03 Significant Others aka Super Ultra Rare Crossover Event
It’s the ULTIMATE STAKES for Isabel. No, not what college is she going to attend, or what car she’s going to purchase but…SHOULD SHE GET MARRIED AT 18 AND GET STUCK IN ROSWELL FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE? (What do YOU think she chooses?)

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E02 Michael, the Guys, and the Great Snapple aka an HR Nightmare
Soooooo much kissing for Clark and Lois…I man Max and Liz. Kyle is HONESTLY doing his VERY BEST and is ANYONE APPRECIATING HIM? NO. Also, we see the humble beginnings of Marvel’s biggest stars in THIS VERY EPISODE.

Roswell 1999: Roswell S03E01 Busted aka Super Sponsored by Snapple
Season Three is HERE and EVERYBODY got an attitude adjustment. Liz and Max are now Bonnie and Clyde and each other’s ride or die and Michael is DOING HIS BEST OKAY? Plus there are diamond heists, jail time, and tiny Utah towns.

Roswell 1999: Roswell Interlude the Second aka We Never Thought This Happen for You, Never
Woah! Looook at US! Done with ROSWELL SEASON TWO. Meg is less confused, Emily knows nothing (AGAIN) and WE’RE SO EXCITED FOR SEASON THREEEEEE!

Roswell 1999: Roswell S02E21: The Departure aka The KEY to EVERYTHING
After losing our FIRST recording of this episode Meg and Emily finally got to re-record it. Join us as we solve the mystery of Alex’s death with a little help from THE KEY TO EVERYTHING. Seriously, Meg. It was there the whole time. How did you not see it? (Tee hee hee)