Episode 83: Oathbringer: Interludes 8-11 & Chapters 88-90: I ASSUMED You Could Quote Shakespeare by Yourself

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It! Today's episode focuses on World's Greatest Detective Adolin Kholin....and he's now the KING? Except he's now stuck in a foreign land with no way to get home! Eshoni is struggling, so is Kaladin, and Shallan...and you know what? EVERYONE IS HAVING A BAD TIME. (Not us though!)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:


Episode 84: Oathbringer: Chapters 91-96: I Eat Investiture for BREAKFAST


Episode 82: Oathbringer: Chapters 83-87: That’s Rough, Buddy