Episode 53: Words of Radiance: Chapters 76-79: Get It? He’s a Stoner Named Rock!

We’re getting closer and closer to the ennnnnd. Everyone gather round the gloryspren glow to hear this week’s tale where everyone is in favor of locking Shallan away…to be “safe”, Amaram is playing favorites, and the plot to kill the king moves forward as Moash prepares to betray everything Bridge Four stands for.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 54: Words of Radiance: Chapters 80-81: This Bad Boy Can Fit So Many StarKid Quotes in It


Episode 52: Words of Radiance: Interludes 12-14: APRIL FOOLS!