Episode 00: The Way of Kings: His Name is…Hogath?

Meg REVELS in the fact that she’s FINALLY getting Emily to read her ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOK. Emily makes multiple guesses and does NOT know what she’s getting into.

Episode 01: The Way of Kings: The Prelude, Prologue & Chapter 1: Blood Orange, So Pretentious

It’s the first official episode! There’s a Prelude, a Prologue, and THEN a first chapter? We meet Tony Stark, Adam Winchester, Szeth, and Kaladin. A king is murdered and a cycle is broken.

Episode 02: The Way of Kings: Chapters 2-4: Have A Great Summer

This week we cover chapters 2-4. Emily explains why she can’t ever love Kaladin, Meg tells her she doesn’t have a very good imagination, and could being a ginger be the secret to unlimited Cosmere power?


Episode 03: The Way of Kings: Chapters 5-7: Art is Hard, You Guys

We read chapters 5-7 this week (even if Meg claims otherwise), Shallan is stuck between a rock and smoke place, Kaladin’s manager is the worst, and Kabsul is NOT a grandpa.

Episode 04: The Way of Kings: Chapters 8-11: Just a Couple of Light-Eyed Spinsters

We read chapters 8-11 this week and Meg wins for best intro. Kaladin breaks Emily's heart and Shallan is way braver than either of us.

Episode 05: The Way of Kings: The Interludes: Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Oh Dear

Oof. Apologies in advance. Our audio had a REAL hard time of it this episode. Meg's on deadline so we didn't get a chance to re-record it YET. But we're still trying to get you a better version. (We didn't want to miss a week) - And this week we read the first set of Interludes! We learn about magic fish, a budding psychopath, and Emily's boyfriend Szeth shows back up.


Episode 06: The Way of Kings: Chapters 12-14: Baby’s First Hoid

In Chapters 12-14 we spend the vast majority of it meeting the rest of the Kholin family and they are a HANDFUL. Just running around fighting monsters for glory and stuff. And Kaladin does NOT endear himself to Bridge Four OR Emily.

Episode 07: The Way of Kings: Chapters 15-17: Bloody Red ‘Sunst’

We read Chapters 15-17 this time around AND EMILY’S RECORDING EQUIPMENT IS THE WORST. (Again. New equipment is imminent. But SUSPICION. SUSPICION EVERYWHERE. Adolin just wants people to stop making fun of his dad. Kaladin just wants his bridge crew to STOP DYING. Who is gonna get what they want first?

Episode 08: The Way of Kings: Chapters 18-21: Lifted Straight from Dalinar Kholin’s Diary

Emily and Megan go through Chapters 18-21. Adolin takes his girlfriends to the nicest places. Someone is trying to (possibly) kill Elhokar, Meg shares with us the Way of Kings musical and gives us the secret to hot naps while Emily resorts to physical violence.


Episode 09: The Way of Kings: Chapters 22-24: Fancy Float

In Chapters 22-24 We get to meet another Kholin...NAVANI. Why does she make Dalinar so nervous? Elhokar can't keep his big, fat mouth shut, can he? And are the high princes just literally playing Monopoly?

Episode 10: The Way of Kings: Chapters 25-27: The City Lord Will Arrive After These Messages

Emily and Meg tackle chapters 25-27. Emily can’t keep her fantasy dads straight, CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUND, Kaladin is in Suuuuper denial and Emily did NOT fart live on camera.

Episode 11: The Way of Kings: Chapter 28 & The Interludes: Oh, ho ho, the ECONOMY

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! Come take a turkey break and listen to us talk about chapter 28 + the Interludes. Dalinar’s men are a little TOO loyal, Emily reveals her OTP, and listen - Emily doesn’t have TIME for all this nonsense. WHERE’S SZETH!?!?


Episode 12: The Way of Kings: Chapters 29-32: What a Cheerful Bridgecrew. It’d be a Shame if Something HAPPENED TO IT.

We read chapters 29-32 this week. SHALLAN IS BACK, Y’ALL…and hallucinating?!?! Gaz is only SLIGHTLY less awful, baby Kaladin gets a grown-up lesson, and EMILY FLAT OUT REFUSED TO READ THE LAST CHAPTER.

Audio Block
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Episode 13: The Way of Kings: Chapters 33-36: If There’s No Body That Falls in a Forest, Did a Murder Really Happen?

We read chapters 33-36 this week! (Fair warning - there’s a 10 minute chunk where Emily’s audio gets a little crackly but then we fix it!) Shallan is having second thoughts about her secret mission, Kaladin’s day LITERALLY COULD NOT GET WORSE, and Jasnah apparently favors a very…hands on method of teaching. 

Episode 14: The Way of Kings: Chapters 37-40: Rock and a Haircut. Six Bits.

HAPPY 2022! WE MADE IT! Em and Meg start the year off with Chapters 37-40. It’s a little bit of a breather this week. Baby Kal goes to a tense dinner party, present-day Kaladin wrestles with brain lies, and does Shallan and her future father-in-law Dalinar have something in common?


Episode 15: The Way of Kings: Chapters 41-44: Freaked Out by Flirting

This week we discuss chapters 41-44. Abandon hope all ye who enter here, says Emily.

Episode 16: The Way of Kings: Chapters 45-47: Adolin Kholin is NOT Jesus

We get right into it and go through chapters 45-47. Kabsal knows better than to pay an artist in exposure. Kaladin cheats a Kholin. And MEGAN LIED. Cenn DID come back!

Episode 17: The Way of Kings: Chapters 48-51: Jenny, READ THIS BOOK!

Meg and Emily cover Chapters 48-51. Jam gets Shallan into a pickle, Jasnah has a snack then takes it back, and Kaladin hits a 7 on a good-day scale.


Episode 18: The Way of Kings: Interludes 7-8 & Chapter 52: How to Get Hit With Bricks

Emily and Meg are BACK and reading Interludes 7,8,9, and Chapter 52. We learn more about spren. Megan still won’t tell Emily ANYTHING. RAFO is the word of the DAY. And Navani almost seduces Dalinar. (Should’ve listened to Yalb and tried one last time).

Episode 19: The Way of Kings: Chapters 53-55: That’s Alethkar’s ‘Hee-Haw’

Emily and Meg cover Chapters 53-55 where HOID PERSONALLY BETRAYS EMILY, we get to hear Sadeas’ final verdict on Dalinar’s involvement in the assassination attempt, and Emily would NEVER forget about Renarin and is MIGHTILY offended Meg would insinuate such a thing!

Episode 20: The Way of Kings: Chapters 56-59: A Terrible Way to send an Email

This week Emily and Meg read Chapters 56-59 (So. Many. Pages.) Megan uses a thought experiment to make Emily cry. Murder is wrong. Kaladin breaks zero bones!


Episode 21: The Way of Kings: Chapters 60-62: If It’s Too Good to be True and Quacks Like a Duck…

WELCOME back to our Way of Kings Coverage. Emily and Megan SPLIT this week’s HUMONGOUS episode and cover Chapters 60-62. Emily wants ALL the drama and betrayal but NOT for Renarin to be a MURDERER, Dalinar is too cool for school when he meets his hero Brandon Sanderson, and wow. This is one SPICY episode!

Episode 22: The Way of Kings: Chapters 63-65: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE

Emily and Meg read Chapters 63-65. Loyalties are tested. The Horner Pact is broken (again). And Emily’s reading and comprehension should be a lot better than it currently is.

Episode 23: The Way of Kings: Chapters 66-68: Kaladin What’s-His-Face

THE TOWER! THE TOOOOOOWER. We cover chapters 66, 67, 68 and get to SEE THE BRIDGEMEN IN ACTION BEING THE BEST THEY COULD EVER BEEEEEE! (Also, Sadeas should DIE). Stay tuned for a bonus bit at the end where Emily discovers what Kaladin REALLY looks like!)


Episode 24: The Way of Kings : Chapters 69-74: It’s the End of the Book as We Know It

It’s the END of Way of Kings! We finish the last chapters of the book: Chapters 69-74. This week someone DEFINITELY points at something and goes, “THAT’S a Voidbringer!”, Sadeas BASICALLY GETS AWAY WITH MURDER (WTH, BRANDON?), and Dalinar is the best. AGAIN. Was there EVER any doubt?

Episode 25: The Way of Kings: Interlude 01: Underwater Basket Weaving

Emily and Meg take a quick breather this week and reminisce over Book 1 of the Stormlight Archive. We go over Emily’s predictions, what she ACTUALLY thinks of the book, get to hear her list her top 3 favs and 3 LEAST favs of the book so far, and Meg announces some fun new stuff for our upcoming episodes!

Episode 26: Warbreaker aka Emily’s VINDICATION (x’s 2)

Our Warbreaker episode is FINALLY HERE! Emily and Meg are joined by honorary sibling and friend-of-the-pod: TED! We cover the ENTIRE novel of Warbreaker, talk about how everyone got into it/the Cosmere, talk about our fun theories, and of COURSE we stan Nightblood! (who has never done anything wrong in the history of EVER).

Make sure to catch Ted’s podcast about the 90’s/’00’s book series The Animorphs at www.animorphology.com and on Twitter at @animorphology


Episode 27: Words of Radiance: Prologue & Chapters 1-3: You’re MY Dum-Dum

Emily and Meg FINALLY get into WORDS OF RADIANCE. We cover the Prologue, and Chapters 1, 2, & 3. SO MUCH SPREN INFO. Literally NO ONE could keep it straight, but Jasnah gives it her all. Bridge Four gets matching tattoos and of COURSE Moash HAS to be the special one.


Episode 28: Words of Radiance: Chapters 4-6: I’m Just a Girl Waiting for her Sadeas

Oof, in what might be our longest episode yet Em and Meg dive into chapters 4-6. Kaladin takes his new position VERY seriously. His new brother, Adolin, is less than thrilled. Jasnah needs some SLEEP, Shallan! And Emily's not SAYING die, Moash, die, OKAY?


Episode 29: Words of Radiance: Chapters 7-8: Denial. It’s Where Emily Lives Now.

Emily and Meg dive into chapters 7 & 8 where Emily does not believe a thing has happened and refuses to believe a thing has happened. Shallan did a murder, okay? She did. And Dalinar is a smug know it all.

Link to the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42


Episode 30: Words of Radiance: Chapters 9-11: Rest in Princess

This week we read about the Santhid performing a miracle that Emily refuses to believe. She also doesn't know what she wanted from Shallan in these chapters, but it wasn't THIS! We also meet THE most illustrious character in all of Brandon Sanderson's novels....the STICK.


Episode 31: Words of Radiance: Chapters 12 & Interludes 1 & 2: Sibling Order Theory

Check out Chapters 12 and Interludes 1 and 2 with Meg and Em this week! We learn….NEVER to trust ANYTHING Megan says EVER and Emily KNEW things had been going TOO WELL.


Episode 32: Words of Radiance: Interludes 3 & 4: Nakey Bodies

We tackle Interludes 3 & 4 this week and have VERY different opinions on the little cliff diving adventure that happens. We also present our very own ‘What If’ episode. And if there’s anything you take away from this episode, please let it be: Bats aren’t bugs!



Episode 33: Words of Radiance: Chapters 13-15: Legendary American Animator Don Bluth

Meg and Emily read chapters 13-15 this week. Adolin’s superstitions pay off in the dueling ring and Shallan finds herself surrounded by enemies.


Episode 34: Words of Radiance: Chapters 16-18: We’re NOT Foils!

Emily loves Renarin, OKAY, MEG? SHE WOULD NEVER FORGET HIM. We see Kaladin learn something about his powers, Shallan is still in le trouble, and a visitor is revealed.


Episode 35: Words of Radiance: Chapters 19-21: Bonjour! Je M’appelle Pierre ‘Apps

It’s Shallan-a-palooza up in here this week! And it’s NOT ABOUT THE JOURNEY. It’s about the POTENTIAL. Also: We few, we happy few.

Link to the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42


Episode 36: Words of Radiance: Chapters 22-24: Fashion? In the Kholin House? It’s More Common Than You’d Think.

The king was FINE. Ugh. ALSO, Shallan is definitely a con lady. Yes siree, no fancy light-eyed ladies here, Tyn. Move along. And GEEZE. Kaladin is never happy unless he’s bossing people around. Let Adolin use his free time HOWEVER HE WANTS.


Episode 37: Words of Radiance: Chapters 25-28: The Cake-Tier Prophecy

Two of our MAIN CHARACTER MEET! And it goes about as well as anyone expected. Also, for you pastry fans out there, stop what you’re doing IMMEDIATELY. Meg has something SHE MUST TELL YOU.


Episode 38: Words of Radiance: Chapters 29-32: This Isn’t ‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes’!

AUGH. I guess this can’t really be categorized as a cliffHANGER…more like a cliff…faller? Because GUESS WHO IS BAAAAAACK, BABY!?!?!? SZETH! And he’s coming for DALINAR. NOOOOOOOO!



Episode 39: Words of Radiance: Chapters 33-34 + Interludes 5-8: HOWM’ST

Emily is SO right yet SO WRONG about SO MANY THINGS. Jasnah is STILL dead (no she’s not - Emily), and another of Shallan’s mentors joins her in her fate. Kaladin has to walk 10 flights of stairs. Eshoni gets a makeover. Vasher begrudgingly takes on a new student. There is no Nightblood.


Episode 40: Words of Radiance: Chapters 35-38: Not Like Other Girls

Shallan bluffs her entire way through everything with two pairs of NOTHING. Adolin sees someone across a crowded room and Kaladin becomes a workplace bully.


Episode 41: Words of Radiance: Chapters 39-43: Pwease Don't Kiww Me, Mista Mwaise!

Emily suffers for the sake of art, Kaladin steals Adolin’s little brother, we meet Shallan’s OC (do not steal) and the Ghostbloooooods!

Link to the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42


Episode 42: Words of Radiance: Chapters 44-48: Please, Pa! Not Old Yeller-Kar!

Our Bridge Four Boys get to use a SHARDBLADE and Moash CUTS in line to do so (OF COURSE), Adolin gets ignored and thinks it’s kinda hot, Shallan is manifesting some intense eldest daughter vibes, and Emily was right ABOUT SO MANY THINGS.


Episode 43: Words of Radiance: Chapters 49-51: Flirting 101

First Date! First Date! First DAAAAAAATE! It’s Emily’s DREAM PAIRING of Shallan and Adolin! Flutter your eyelashes along with Shallan, barely escape with your life while dodging a highstorm, and dodge the political snubs from other jealous light-eyes.


Episode 44: Words of Radiance: Chapters 52-55: Meg’s Such an AMARAM

Emily is TIRED of being a WITCH! Shallan lets a couple of things slip SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE, Adolin duels and catches the ire of EVERYONE, and what in BLUE BLAZES is Dalinar THINKING?!?!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 45: Words of Radiance: Chapters 56-59: WHITESPINE UNCAGED (aka Dragonsteel Con 2022!)

Holy Cannoli, Batman! The long awaited LIVE SHOW at Dragonsteel Con! (It’s been so long since we recorded this one, I can’t even remember what happens. I’m sure it’s nothing TOO big or life changing.)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42

Episode 46: Words of Radiance: Interludes 8 & 9: Azirona

We meet Lift (not Lyft), Emily falls in love with the literary tendencies of the Bronze Palace, and could this be the beginning of New and Improved Szeth? (Eh, probably not. Pretty sure there’s WAY more murder in his future).

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 47: Words of Radiance: Interlude 11 & Chapters 60-62: Jimmy Buffett is One of the Returned

Everything’s good and everything’s fine. Everything fine and good and fine. ESPECIALLY for Eshoni. ALL IS FIIIIINE. Oh yeah, and for Kaladin too. No problems here in jail. No siree.

Here’s the link to the Transformers fic that was mentioned in the episode: https://archiveofourown.org/series/913458
Xenoethnography by
Therrae (Dasha_mte)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 48: Words of Radiance: Chapters 63-66: Jaildolin

Emily nearly injured herself this week from ROLLING HER EYES AT MOASH AND KALADIN. Boys. Don’t we know by now that MURDER IS WRONG??? And Adolin is FINALLY released from prison. Our poor boy has been languishing for DAYS.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42

Episode 49: Words of Radiance: Chapters 67-68: The Appeal of Murder

Man, it’s been a rough week for EVERYBODY. Kaladin’s powers are waning, poor Renarin is espresso-depresso, Dalinar and Navani seem to be suffering from libel, AND somebody’s been messing around with BRIDGES.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42

Episode 50: Words of Radiance: Chapters 69-71: Sixteen Shardz

Yikes. Emily needs to STOP channeling Dalinar and learn how to delegate and let MEG learn how to post the episodes so they’re not LATE. Kaladin STILL has not learned his lesson about letting people SLEEP IN, and Shaylawn Dayvar is MVP! (I mean she USUALLY is ANYWAY, but she’s SUPER COOL TODAY.)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 51: Words of Radiance: Chapters 72-75: I Wanted to Go to Disneyland!

It’s chasm-fiend TIIIIIME, Kaladin is all noble and self-sacrificing and Shallan is having NONE of that, and Dalinar FINALLY makes the connection WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.

Episode 52: Words of Radiance: Interludes 12-14: APRIL FOOLS!

Good heavens. Pai is told to grow where you’re planted, or something like that and instead chooses the nuclear option. Two sisters DO NOT fight. And TARAVANGIAN. Seriously, sir. Put that thing back where it came from OR SO HELP ME…

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.

Episode 53: Words of Radiance: Words of Radiance: Chapters 76-78: Get It? He’s a Stoner Named Rock!

We’re getting closer and closer to the ennnnnd. Everyone gather round the gloryspren glow to hear this week’s tale where everyone is in favor of locking Shallan away…to be “safe”, Amaram is playing favorites, and the plot to kill the king moves forward as Moash prepares to betray everything Bridge Four stands for.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 54: Words of Radiance: Chapters 80-81: This Bad Boy Can Fit So Many StarKid Quotes in It

Ugh. Characters are growing and changing for the BETTER and Emily doesn’t get to hate on them anymooooore. (NOT MOASH THOUGH. Never Moash.) Shallan’s gotta pull a miracle out of thin air and Megan is retiring the Elhokar voice and will now only bring it out on special occasions.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.

Episode 55: Words of Radiance: Chapters 82-83: Excuse Me, I Am Also a Girl

Kaladin’s stamina bar is dwiiiiindling. Elhokar is dead. Wait, jk, he’s STILL FINE?!??! He’s just a sad drunk. And he’s sad that the assassin is not there for him. When is it Elhokar’s time to die…I mean SHINE?

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.

Episode 56: Words of Radiance: Chapters 84-86: Ribsicles

This is it. The episode we’ve all been waiting for. The showdown. It’s happening. And then it happens again.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.


Episode 57: Words of Radiance: Chapters 87-89: Infinite Time and Monkeys

Um…how did we get THIS FAR? Welcome to the FINAL chapters of Words of Radiance! (And our longest episode to date!) Moash dwells on ALL HIS MISTAKES, Kaladin/Brandon Sanderson changes his mind about his actions, Szeth can no LONGER dwell on his mistakes (or CAN he?) and another of Emily’s ships comes true.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy.

Episode 58: Words of Radiance: Epilogue PLUS the End of the Book Interlude: You Get the BEST of Both Worlds!

Check out the special episode that includes the Words of Radiance Epilogue (where Emily is ONCE AGAIN proven to be a WITCH) AND catch our special between-book Interlude where we go over our final reactions to Words and Radiance and prep for OATHBRINGER!!!!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/331eocM1MOtuJXg2DK4vB6?si=150ee4912b604d42

Episode 59: Edgedancer: Classic Murder Disclaimer

We welcome our honorary sibling Ted back with a special interlude Cosmere special all about the novella Edgedancer! Join us as we see the countryside through Lift's eyes, see how many pancakes we can eat, and oh yeah SEE SZETH AGAIN!


Episode 60: Oathbringer: Prologue + Chapters 1-3: Declarative Statements

ARE WE READY TO RUMBLE AND START OOOOOATHBRINGER???? You'd better be, 'cause we ARE! Our heroes and friends have ARRIVED at Urithiru and there's already tons of problems like MURDER. We also get a glimpse of the Blackthorn's past! (It's gonna get intense, I already know!)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 61: Oathbringer: Chapters 4-7: Am I Supposed to Fall in Love with this Idiot?

Emily gushes over Kaladin's return and discovers it's all she ever wanted, except everything has been TAINTED BY MOASH. She also can't keep anything in her head for more than 5 seconds at a time, so y'know. Meg wins some and loses some.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 62: Oathbringer: Chapters 8-11: R.C.S.I.

Welcome back to OATHBRINGER Chapters 8-11. In these chapters Adolin gets assigned to investigate THE MURDER HE COMMITTED, Shallan is super salty about Renarin, and Kaladin realizes Syl is SUUUUUPER invested in any future nuptials of his.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 63: Oathbringer: Chapters 12-14: NO MATING!

Dalinar and Elohkar share a delulu moment. Shallan entertains a male visitor sans emotional support garment. Kaladin surrenders and talks game theory. Welcome to My Sister Made Me View It! 

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 64: Oathbringer: Chapters 15-17

We're feeling real sorry for World's Greatest Detective Adolin Kholin who has been assigned to look into the MURDER HE DID HIMSELF. And is Dalinar starting to...REMEMBER???

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 65: Dragonsteel Con 2023: The Elan-Tress Special

Clocking in at our BIGGEST and LONGEST episode yet...Meg and Emily compare and discuss Brandon's earliest published book (Elantris) with one of his newest publications (Tress of the Emerald Sea). Part 1 is our live recording from Dragonsteel with a LIVE AUDIENCE. (Audio on that is a little rough, but it was a live show and we had SO MUCH FUN with it!)
Meg and Emily later recorded our thoughts on Elantris and again on Tress, so this monster of an episode is really a 3-parter!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 66: Oathbringer: Chapters 18-20: Murder is Fine, Actually

Shallan learns a thing or two about the finer points of liquor, tosses around the Ghostblood's name all willy-nilly, and Dalinar is ONE TOUGH MOTHER-TRUCKER.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 67: Oathbringer: Chapters 21-23: For Want of a Brownie

HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS TO YOU OUR LISTENERS! Join with us today as Shallan and Adolin journey into the thick of the enemy's warcamp and Kaladin is forced to ask himself some pretty dang tough questions.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 68: Oathbringer: Chapters 24-26: Wah! They Think I’m Still a Murderer!

Shallan experiences Emily's worst nightmare and Shallan is ALSO responsible for BODILY HARM TO ROCK! (I vote we fire her).

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 69: Oathbringer: Chapters 27-29: It’s a FREE COUNTRY!

Join us for episode 69 (nice) where Adolin lets something slip about Kaladin's past and Shallan is all, Meh. It's whatever. NO ONE trusts Dalinar any further than they could throw him and a disturbing secret about Urithiru is uncovered. 

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 70: Oathbringer: Chapters 30-32 + Interludes 1-3: There Are No Dumb Questions, Only Mean Sisters

Our favorite princess is BACK sans her roadtrippin' companion, one of the characters JUST WANTS TO READ HER ROMANCE BOOK CAN SHE GET FIVE MINUTES OF PEACE, and we learn about a sister's fate.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 71: Oathbringer: Chapters 33-36: How Many Secret Societies Does a Congregation of Men Need?

Shallan is gettin’ bossed around REAL BAD, Queen Fen is like, Nu-UH, Dalinar. You can’t fool me THAT EASY, Sigzil WINS ALL THE AWARDS for MVP and for asking all the hard questions, and Dalinar’s past decisions come back to bite him in his (shapely) butt.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 72: Oathbringer: Chapters 37-41: 3X Speed

It's a family reunion! Rock's ohana returns! What could be better? Shallan keeps getting bossed around and we find out exactly what Teft has been up to behind the scenes.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 73: Oathbringer: Chapters 42-46: A Full Long Episode

Oh noooooo. It's a tough time for our characters. Dalinar's butt is TOO NICE. Veil can't count. And Moash's expectations are being THWARTED and he's being FORCED to face REALITY. Oh DEEEEAR.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 74: Oathbringer: Chapters 47-52: Moash the Copycat

Exactly what it says on the tin. But Megan says it's because he's a FOIL. She also reveals to Emily which Heralds she missed in the book so far, Jasnah makes fun of IVORY (rude), and we discover exactly how long Renarin has been ignored by his dad (SPOILER: His whole life).

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 75: Oathbringer: Chapters 53-57: Situations I’d Rather Not Be In

This week we read SO MANY CHAPTERS! We see Jasnah ABSOLUTELY crush stupid Amaram, THE TITULAR STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE MAKES ITS DEBUT, and Dalinar is in Daaaaaanger.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 76: Oathbringer: Interludes 5-7 + Chapters 58-59: Biggest Bully on the Playground

UGH. Stinky Teravangian is BACK and PLOTTING to take over EVERYTHING. He's the WORST! (YES, even more so than MOASH). We meet a soulcaster for FIVE MINTUES and Venli loses something dear.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 77: Oathbringer: Chapters 60-64: Shut Up and Use Your Imagination

Welcome to our latest Oathbringer episode as we cover chapters 60-64! Our intrepid band of heroes fly to Kholinar and are greeted by some WEIRD sights, Adolin loses his lunch, but never his sense of style, and Shallan sacrifices her dignity for science.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 78: Oathbringer: Chapters 65-68: Days of Our Fabrials

In this week's episode Emily and Megan STRAIGHT UP LIE to our listeners! We SAID we'd do the Knights Radiant quiz and then promptly FORGOT about it! Also: Evie is THE BEST wife. Hands DOWN.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 79: Oathbringer: Chapters 69-73: Targeted by the Algorithm

Welcome BACK to My Sister Made Me View It where we're currently covering OATHBRINGER! And This week we bring to you the Radiant Quiz! Emily and Meg find out what types of Radiants they'd be, plus Kaladin is CONFLICTED, Ya'll! (But what else is new?) Shallan has a near brush with death (again, what else is new?) and Adolin is the CUTEST boy you can imagine (WHAT ELSE IS NEW?)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 80: Oathbringer: Chapters 74-76: This Girl WAS on Fire!

Savior-of-the-Pod Priscille joins us for our discussion following THE RIFT!!!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 81: Oathbringer: Chapters 78-82: Lovers to Enemies

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It! Today we cover Oathbringer Chapters 87-82. Shallan revels, we see an (old) familiar face that Vasher would be VERY interested in, and Gavroche from Les Miz makes an appearance.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 82: Oathbringer: Chapters 83-87: That’s Rough, Buddy

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It where we cover The Event for Oathbringer. That's right. YOU know what I'm talking about. Listeners, we want to know. WAS it as bad as Szeth's assassinations? Was it as bad as when Kaladin made everyone wake up early and go train? Was it as bad as Sadeus' betrayal at the Tower?

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 83: Oathbringer: Interlude 8-11 & Chapters 88-90: I ASSUMED You Could Quote Shakespeare By Yourself

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It! Today's episode focuses on World's Greatest Detective Adolin Kholin....and he's now the KING? Except he's now stuck in a foreign land with no way to get home! Eshoni is struggling, so is Kaladin, and Shallan...and you know what? EVERYONE IS HAVING A BAD TIME. (Not us though!)

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 84: Oathbringer: Chapters 91-96: I Eat Investiture for BREAKFAST

The fallout from the last battle continues, Szeth and NightBlood do a little investigating of their own, and it's time to travel the land of Shadesmar!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 85: Oathbringer: Chapters 97-100: Oops! All Odium!

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It! Enjoy a relaxing day playing paintball with Szeth (WHO DOES DESERVE NICE THINGS), hang out with Adolin as he holds the entire team together, and vote Mickey Mouse as Odium's TRUE CHAMPION.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 86: Oathbringer: Chapters 101-105: Broken Jenga-Tower of a Man

Join the sisters Emily and Megan as they creep ever closer to the end of Oathbringer! Adolin reveals hidden talents, we mourn yet another boat passing, and if anything is gonna get done around here it's gonna be 'cause of Navani. Seriously. What would Dalinar do without her?

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 87: Oathbringer: Chapters 106-110: Infected With Human Emotions

Szeth and Nightblood for the WIN this week. Nightblood knows what's going on and who to fight. LISTEN TO THE SWORD, SZETH! But we have divided Spren, a sad Taravangian (lol), and Adolin loves everyone BUT ESPECIALLY SHALLAN!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 88: Oathbringer: Chapters 111-113 + Interludes: Have You Considered I’m Lying to You?

And we're OFF! It's the final countdown! We are IN IT folks. The Sanderlanche! Most important questions are (in no particular order): Is Adolin going to be okay? Is Renarin going to be okay? What about Navani! And Szeth? I can't wait any longer! Let's GOOOOOOOO.

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 89: Oathbringer: Chapters 114-117: Good Luck, Babe

WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!?!???! My boys are in TROUBLE! And...well, so is literally everyone else! This is all looking SO BAD! Halp! Brandon! Why you do this to meeeeee?

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 90: Oathbringer: Chapters 118-119: This is Where I Resign from the Podcast in Disgrace

Ru-roh! Soooomebody wants to take Dalinar to the prom and just isn't taking 'no' for an answer!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 91: Oathbringer: Chapter 120 Part 1: Storm Around and Find Out (SAFO)

Well, it happened. We set ANOTHER record. We get through HALF of ONE chapter this time around! And WHAT a CHAPTER! There's people getting turned into smoke left and right, Nightblood and Szeth team up with Lift, and we get history repeating itself...lost boots anyone?

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 92: Oathbringer Chapter 120 Part 2: Amaramathyst

Today Emily and Megan finish their coverage of....one single chapter! Find out what happens to Renarin, Dalinar, Kaladin, and all our friends at the end of the Sanderlanche!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c


Episode 93: Oathbringer: Chapters 121-122 & Epilogue: I’m Concerned About the Smell

FRIENDS! Welcome to the ABSOLUTELY FINAL episode of Oathbringer! It has been a JOY to read these episodes and chat about them with you! Jump on in and enjoy the end of Oathbringer!

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy:

Episode 94: Dawnshard

Coming January 30th

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

Episode 95: Mistborn Era 1

Coming February 13

Check out the ‘My Sister Made Me a Playlist’ on Spotify. We add a new song for each episode. It’s a goodie, but a weirdy. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52qx5mDnpggAl22K7sMGmt?si=87d012c528da4a5c

