A Deadly Education: Chapters 1-2: Her Dad is in the Walls!

Welcome to the first entry of our new Dark Academia feed! Join us as Emily makes Megan view A Deadly Education (the first book in the Scholmance Series by Naomi Novik!)

A Deadly Education: Chapters 3-4 aka Chekhov’s Only One Student Per Sleep Bed In Room Together Nighttime Sleeping

Welcome back to the Scholomance! It’s a Newsie’s crossover, Emily jumps ALL the guns, and there’s a magic mirror! No really, a magic mirror. Did we tell you there’s a magic mirror? ‘Cause there’s DEFINITELY a magic mirror.

A Deadly Education: Chapters 5-6 aka Real Life Edward Cullen

TWO special guests join us for today’s episode! Please welcome Jane and Jenny as we try to keep Meg from going malaficer and WHO HAS A BAD IMAGINATION THIS TIME AROUND? NOT EMILY!

A Deadly Education: Chapters 7-8 aka Crochet Rage

There’s some maw-mouth aftermath, El’s new book draws some important attention, AND there’s a POACHER on campus?

A Deadly Education: Chapters 9-10 aka Friendship is Magic!

It’s ALLIANCE TIIIIIIIME1 El’s got FRIENDS! Chloe reveals something strange about Orion. What’s the deal with El’s mom and enclaves? And we’ve got ORION freaking out because El is being nice to him! Sweet summer child.

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A Deadly Education: Chapters 11-12 aka The Ultimate El-liance

Welcome back JENNY! Friend of the pod and guest star for today’s Scholomance episode! Here we learn the seniors are just about desperate enough to drag everyone down to an untimely death, Meg was RIGHT about so many things, and FLAME ON!

A Deadly Education: Chapter 13 aka Special Force Baby

It’s the end of the school year, apologies are made, El forgets how freaking tall she is, and Emily and Meg wrap up the final chapter of a Deadly Education. As a bonus Meg gives out all her predictions for the next book: The Last Graduate.

The Last Graduate: Chapters 1-2 aka The Nonsense of the Human Heart

We jump RIGHT into Book 2 of the Scholomance with The Last Graduate. We pick up with our intrepid heroine who might have been off more than she can chew, the school is OUT to get her and the mals are in the ‘wals’.

The Last Graduate: Chapters 3-4 aka So Much Damn Spaghetti!

Welcome to Chapters 3 & 4 of The Last Graduate where the New York Enclave starts getting mighty twitchy when El starts poking around and asking about pesky things like MANA LEVELS and why Orion is the ONLY ONE contributing to them!

The Last Graduate: Chapters 5-6: Unattempted Murder

Welcome back to The Last Graduate where Emily and Meg discuss chapters 5&6 where EL IS THE FREAKING QUEEN, Orion is suffering from life-threatening senioritis, and there are MULTIPLE murder attempts on our incredible heroine.

The Last Graduate: Chapters 7-9: HOW Many Football Fields?

Welcome back to My Sister Made Me View It: Dark Academia Feed where we’re covering The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik! Today’s episode covers chapters 7-9. It’s hands-on lesson time! Join El and her team as they attempt to run the gauntlet of DEATH.

The Last Graduate: Chapters 10-11: Fresh to Death

Welcome back to the Dark Academia Feed: The Last Graduate! And WELCOME BACK to our special guest stars: Jane and Jenny! Things are growing ever more dire as the end of the year approaches. What awaits our band of seniors in the graduation hall? Can we overcome our hatred of Liesel? What the heck is Orion UP TO?

The Last Graduate: Chapters 12-13: 6 O’Clock in the Gorram Morning

We come to you with the Last Graduate Chapters 12-13 at an UNPRECEDENTED hour during these UNPRECEDENTED times. Graduation…might not even be a thing! The mals are gone. Like…GONE gone. What’s to stop everyone from just marching out scott-free? EL. THAT’S WHO.

The Last Graduate: Chapter 14: I Would Like More Sadness Please

GRADUATION DAAAAAAY! Join our friends as we prepare to call EVERY SINGLE MAL IN THE FRIGGIN’ WORLD. And hopefully survive!

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 1-2: Vroom Vroom, Fother Muckers!

It’s…2 minutes after Graduation! Where did El end up? Did Orion make it out? Do we finally learn why Gwen warned El away from Orion? DO WE FIND OUT ANYTHING?????

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 3-5: Inquiring Megans Would Like to Know

El has been recruited to help kill a maw-mouth at the London enclave and instead of saying THANK YOU like NORMAL PEOPLE the enclave tries to enslave her. You know. LIKE YOU DO. Thankfully El has Liesel and Alfie. And time travel.

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 6-8: Girl, It’s You.

Enough is enough. At least that’s what El believes. She’s determined to rescue Orion from his horrible fate and braves his childhood home. But what lurks there?

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 9-11: Would You Love Me If I Were a Blob?

We welcome back our guests Jane and Jenny for another round of ‘The Golden Enclaves’. We’ve got the equipment to go back into the Scholomance but will it be enough to rescue Orion?

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 12-13: What’s the POINT of Being Good?

AHHHHHHHH! It’s the fallout of EVERYTHING! Orion! Gwen! Liu! ALL THE FEEEEEEEELS. Can El get there in time to rescue her friend? What has the Beijing Enclave done now?

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 14-15: I’ve Eaten Hundreds of People. We Are Not the Same.

Get ready for our guest commenters Jane and Jenny! And get ready for globe-trotting El. She’s off to see her dad’s side of the family where they’ll be sorry! They’ll ALL be sorry! Oh wait…they ARE sorry.

The Golden Enclaves: Chapters 16-17: The Battle for Liesel’s Affections

We made it to the end of the series! Join Emily, Meg, Jane, and Jenny as we see El and her friends off to their next adventure!



